If you are here, you are probably new to the PRIZ Innovation Platform. So, first, we would like to welcome to the world of innovation.
It is important to highlight that an account is 100% free and will remain free forever for individuals like yourself.
This article will cover the account creation and login instructions for the platform.
At this point, the platform supports three different options for signing up for a new account and for login:
- Email & password
We’ll go through them in greater details in a moment.
There is no difference in what option you choose. However, if you decide to stick with email and password, then there is another password for you to remember 🙂
Important note: A password should be unique for any system, and should be hard to guess by intruder.
Sign Up
To sign up for a new account, navigate to a signup page at https://app.priz.guru/signup

Now you have a choice to use any one of the options.
Email & Password
- Enter your email
- Enter a password
- Click ‘Sign Up’
Once you successfully registered, you will be redirected to the projects page of the platform.
In addition, you will receive an email for validation.
Google or LinkedIn
If you choose to use any of the two social connections as your identity provider, simply click on ‘Sign up with Google’ or ‘Sign up with LinkedIn’.
Same as above, you will need to authorize PRIZ to use your details for as identity details.
The rest is exactly the same. After the account is created, you will land on the project listing page in the PRIZ Innovation Platform.
We are using persontal information only for authentication purposes and never share it with any third party uder any circumstances.For more details, please, refer to our Privacy Policy
In case you already have an account, you can log in to the platform through the login page: https://app.priz.guru/login.
The login screen is very similar to the signup page.

The login process is surprisingly similar to sign up.
Email & Password
- Enter email
- Enter password
- Click the ‘Login’ button
Google or LinkedIn
Simply click on the ‘Sign up with Google’ or ‘Sign up with LinkedIn’.
That’s it!
After a successful login, you will be redirected to the PRIZ Innovation Platform.