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File attachments

October 26, 2022

Recently, we have made it possible to attach files to projects. From now on, there is no need for you to store the files somewhere else and add to the mess of an already complex initiative. Store the files securely where they belong.

These are three places where you can attach files to:

  • Project Overview
  • Tasks
  • Solution
attachments demo

The files are securely stored to protect any information shared in them. You must be logged in and have permission to access the right project.

To attach a file, select Attach File at the end of the project overview, in a task, or below the solution fields. Almost any type of file is accepted.

For your convenience, as a bonus, we enabled a preview of most of the files right on that page where you are. This means that you don’t have to download the files to see the content.

Be more organized with your innovation initiatives with the PRIZ Platform!

Contact us with any questions.

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